What Is RCT (Root Canal Treatment)?
RCT (Root Canal Treatment) is a dental procedure performed to save a tooth if the nerve of the tooth becomes infected due to a cavity/decay or a fracture.
Who is a Candidate for RCT ?
- Intense pain and/or swelling in relation to one or more teeth/jaw.
- Fracture of teeth due to fall/injury.
- Inability to eat from a particular tooth/side.
- Decay causing intermittent or continuous, dull, or sharp pain.
- Pain that stats int the tooth/teeth on lying down or sleeping at night.
Different Cases Of Root Canal Treatment
- We, at Ahal Dental Clinic have developed special techniques for giving painless anaesthesia.
- Most RCTs are done in a single or two visits.
- Following of European Standard Protocol while performing an RCT, enabling us to predict results.
- Use of state-of-the-art equipment like digital X-Rays, Apex Locator etc.
- All RCT's are done under rubber dam to ensure there is no accidental slippage of instruments or solutions into the mouth